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Dragon Escort - Destination in Sight

This is the last in this series, for now. I don't really have the time to model the castle on the hill I photoshopped into the background, so this is about as close as my travelers can get to their destination until I do. I included the background repaint, and the source image, for comparison to the final render--with postwork.

Background Source:

The downside to using a photo, I was forced to let Avalon's foot dip out of frame. But, it's a minor thing. The rest of the scene works fabulously.

The downside to using a photo, I was forced to let Avalon's foot dip out of frame. But, it's a minor thing. The rest of the scene works fabulously.

With the people removed and the castle added, the scale of the scenery changes significantly.

With the people removed and the castle added, the scale of the scenery changes significantly.

Looking north to Aonach Eagach

Looking north to Aonach Eagach