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Rift Child

A scene from Child of Paradox, depicting Avonlea binding a rift. This is the first use of my updated character morphs--the G7 version of my protagonist. I customized the skin mats and I made some modifications to Ishtar Hair, bringing it more in line with current hair products. The outfit is Rocker Outfit for Genesis 3 Female(s) and Genesis 8 Female(s). Although it's marketed as a modern dress, I think it works well in a fantasy setting as well. The background is one of my first successes at HDR photomanipulation, combining one of Orestes skies with a cylindrical panorama set I created earlier, with most traces of civilization photoshopped out. I adjusted the dynamic range of the composite render using a custom filter I created in Filter Forge.

Thumb/Detail Render

Thumb/Detail Render

Banner Crop

Banner Crop

Final Render
(Resized to Banner Width for the WWW)

Final Render
(Resized to Banner Width for the WWW)