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Boba Fett - Character/Costume Setup

I think the first idea I had for a Star Wars scene involved Boba Fett, so I'd been looking forward to getting him ready to use for a long time. He's been the most challenging to work on so far. I had to find an outfit in my Runtime to serve as a flight suit, then add the pockets and pouches. The armor I found was designed for M4, and had to be modified a bit for G3M. The materials the armor came with were not right for Boba Fett. I did not really need to create the Prototype armor materials, but I thought it would be useful to have them. I tried to get the details for Fett's armor close to screen-accurate; I think I managed to get about 90% right. Slave 1 needed to be converted for use in Daz Studio, which involved identifying all the surfaces and applying the textures--more time consuming than difficult. I'm sure I'll have to do the same or similar grunt work to set up other vehicles and major props I want to use.



Boots - Modeled

Boots - Modeled

Beskar'Garm by Wayii & Lythas

Beskar'Garm by Wayii & Lythas

Custom Morphs & Prototype Materials

Custom Morphs & Prototype Materials

Fett Materials - Clean

Fett Materials - Clean

Fett Materials - Damaged

Fett Materials - Damaged

Fett Materials - Complete
Shin Pockets - Modeled

Fett Materials - Complete
Shin Pockets - Modeled

Slave 1 - Conversion
Model by A.Wiro

Slave 1 - Conversion
Model by A.Wiro