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Avonlea - Desert Crossing

While I have not had time to do anything new, in the way of full illustrations, I have been able to spend some time updating an old one. The original Avonlea - Desert Crossing allowed me to make use of the white costume created for Rowan - Temple Aurora, but simply flipping the character made her left handed. Once I returned to this picture to exploit new techniques for stone objects, to update the monoliths in the background, I decided to swap arms to make her right handed again. I also brought Avonlea into the foreground a bit to improve the composition.

Edit: Once you start tweaking, you suddenly find other things that need work. Typically, the character of Avonlea has had long hair. I planned for her to have her hair pulled back in a pony-tail, so I finally added that in. I also worked on the facial details, and fixed the lighting.

Final Version

Final Version

Alternate Version

Alternate Version

Alternate Background

Alternate Background