All right then, this is more along the lines of what I want to be doing. Unlike the test renders in my Character's Gallery, this is an actual "pin-up" quality character illustration. A little postwork has been done on this, to fix some flaws that were not visible in the test renders. Some were fixed in DAZ, and the rest were dealt with in Photoshop. The character, Avonlea, is the product of scores of images using custom morphs, shaping and material tweaks. The hair is Hawthorn Hair, which comes with a very nice auburn red materials set. The outfit is Dark Raven - Reloaded with a complete materials customization to covert the black leather and trappings to white. The background is the lower levels of CS City. I've used this pose, or some version of it, before, but it conveys just the right attitude for this picture, so I had to use it again.
While setting this up, while doing test renders, I noticed that DAZ or the 3Delight engine spontaneously choked on the face material, resulting in dozens of spot renders with a white face. I saw a similar problem on the eyes of the Horse 2 figure in my Zombie Nest renders. Previously, I had issues with the AoA Advanced Ambient Light treating random surfaces as flagged, even though I had it set to flag "none" and could only get clean renders by setting my "flagged" surfaces to render in shader hitmode. I was having no luck fixing this new "whiteout" problem, but it seemed to fix itself the next time I opened DAZ and reloaded my scene. So, maybe it's just a glitch; unfortunately, it's happened in several different scenes so I'm adding it to the list of "excruciatingly aggravating quirks of DAZ Studio" I have to track down explanations and fixes for. If anyone's run into these problems and can explain what's going on, I'd truly appreciate it!
Edit: It turned out that DAZ uses a set path for temp files, so by having more than one version open at a time (hoping to get work done while rendering) I caused some of the materials to be overwritten, causing the white-outs on certain surfaces! Looks like I'll have to set myself up to render on a different computer so I can work on other scenes while rendering.